DSC’s Middle School Scullers Excel in First Regatta

The Virtual Mainline Slide regatta was a great first-time competitive 1 km race for our Middle School scullers. All seven of them set personal records, besting the times they had in practices! All but two logged sub-5-minute times, and those two finished at 5:01 and 5:02! 

Adult and youth participants from 7 states competed, but Delta Sculling Center athletes were the only ones represented in the girls and boys middle school 1000-meter events.

Hallie Ragsdale and Dezmond Momon will receive certificates from the regatta organizers for their first-place finishes in the girls and boys Middle School events.

​We were very pleased that all our participants’ parents joined us after the event, when we presented their children with Certificates of Accomplishment for their dedicated work during the Winter land rowing program.